Municipality of Valladolid


Valladolid was named after a Spanish leader’s hometown in Spain When the Spaniards arrived, the original inhabitants, who were Aetas, were forced to move to the mountains. People from neighboring Guimaras Island and the provinces of Iloilo, Capiz, Antique, Aklan, and Cebu also settled in Valladolid, which was their docking area in coming to Negros. The settlers introduced cultivation of sugar in Negros, resulting in economic growth and prosperity. The growth of Valladolid prompted then Gov. Saravia to create another town out of it, which is the present Municipality of Pulupandan.
In 1851, the Recollect Missionaries laid the foundation of the Valladolid Church, said to be the biggest in the province at that time. Considering the power of church authorities as they run the affairs of the government then, the size of its church and convent is proof  that Valladolid was among the province’s most progressive pueblos during the Spanish era.
Valladolid town was established in 1860. Significant events in the province during its early years, and upheavals before, during and after the revolutionary period, brought profound changes in the municipality. Through its intrepid sons, Valladolid has contributed its share in the province’s fight for freedom during the latter part of the Spanish and Japanese reigns in Negros. The town is known as the rice granary of the province with 90 percent of its arable land planted to palay. It also produces vegetables, fruits and the diwal or angel wings shell, a seasonal delicacy.
Famous Landmarks
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church was founded in 1851 by the Recollect Missionaries and reputed to be the biggest in the province. The size of the church and convent is a living proof that Valladolid stood among the island’s most progressive pueblos during the Spanish era.
Balay Dolid (Valladolid Community Museum) is one of the ancestral houses in town owned by the Ykalina family. The Valladolid Community Museum features the rich cultural heritage of the town.
Sunset Boulevard is a perfect place to watch the beautiful sunset along the Guimaras Strait. A good venue to commune with nature as the water laps along the seawall.
Century-old Acacia Haven. 32 Acacia trees surround the public plaza and provide shade to all passers. It was planted by the first town official by the name of Ykalina.
Relic of an 18th Century Graveyard. This resting place was solely intended for the Ilustrados or the rich member of the community during that time. The area is about 3 hectares surrounded by coral reef stones giving the place a classic effect.
Fruit Stand by the Highway. Situated at the highway of Brgy. Palaka, travelers pass by this area displaying mouth-watering mangoes, watermelon, fruit jams and other exotic delicacies.
Highway Food Park. Located along the highway between Brgy. Palaka and Crossing Pacol, this food park is composed of stalls serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Menu varies from meat, vegetables to fresh seafood.
Tabao Fish Terminal Food Court at Brgy. Central Tabao Fish Terminal opens at 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Offers grilled fish, tinola and kinilaw. Also serves coffee with native “Ibus or Suman”.
Tabao Weavers Association (TWA) Display Center at Brgy. Central Tabao offers hand woven products ideal for souvenir.


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Pasundayag Festival is a thanksgiving and celebration for good harvest. It is a farmers and fishermen’s festival in honor of the town’s patroness,  Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. The festival is held every February 28.